Defence Industry Market Entry (DIME®) Program
The new AUKUS program represents the biggest procurement deal in Australia’s history, and with it, many opportunities for your company to become part of the supply chain. But do you have your strategic plan in place to capture these opportunities?
De Stefano & Co's proprietary Defence Industry Market Entry (DIME®) Program is a unique offering created specifically to address the needs of businesses wanting to begin operating within the Defence space.
Whilst entry into the defence sector presents significant barriers for businesses to overcome, the benefits - such as long-term, consistent contracts, high-margin work and the opportunity for considerable growth - can be immense.
With Defence budgeting to spend $270 billion over the course of this decade, and the significant opportunities that the AUKUS program presents, those willing to invest the time and effort over the medium-to-long term are the ones who will reap the rewards.
How does the DIME® Program work?
The DIME® Program is a 12-month schedule of structured activities designed to accelerate your company's defence sector journey. Whether you’re new to Defence, or currently doing a small amount of work in the space, the aim is to sustainably grow your defence industry revenues with as little impact on your business-as-usual as possible.
This will be achieved through:
Developing your company's understanding of the defence industry landscape, policy environment and procurement mechanisms;
The development of a defence industry market-entry strategy which includes the identification and prioritisation of target defence sector opportunities that are specific to your business;
The development of your company’s messaging and business development posture, to ensure it resonates with its target defence sector customers; and
Working closely with you to identify areas where improvements could be made to further strengthen your company’s posture to meet the requirements of working with Defence and Defence contractors.
Essentially, your company will be positioned for the best chance of success in the sector, with the right knowledge, policies, connections and tools at your fingertips.
Why a 12-month program?
Here at De Stefano & Co, defence sector strategy, development, security and grants are what we do best. In our experience of supporting clients on their defence sector journeys, we’ve found that ad-hoc and sporadic efforts rarely bring about the desired results. Whilst the odd opportunity may be realised, it is only through a structured, strategic approach that companies stand the best chance of realising their defence sector goals.
Our dedicated, experienced and well-networked team of defence industry professionals will partner with you for the long-term, gaining an intimate understanding of you, your business, and your aspirations. A 12-month program also allows sufficient time to overcome any early challenges encountered and the ‘lag’ often associated with business development efforts in a highly regulated and bureaucratic industry such as Defence.
"We were new to the Defence industry before we met with De Stefano and Co. After engaging them through a Capability Improvement Grant, Emilio and his team held workshops with our leadership team to develop our Defence Strategic Plan.
De Stefano & Co are professionals who care about delivering successful outcomes for your business. They went above and beyond for Derby Rubber, to determine our pathway to enter the Defence industry, educate our leadership team and to connect us to key decision makers in the industry.
On completion of our engagement, we have been audited by multiple Primes and have delivered our first Defence orders. We can not recommend this business enough."
Michael Clayton
Derby Rubber
Still unsure if Defence is for you?
If you’re not quite ready to take the leap, and would prefer to find out more about the opportunities available within Defence first, we can help.
Our team can undertake a Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity for your business. This will help you to understand and qualify the opportunity, before you commit too many resources to it.
Visit our Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity page for more information.
Want to find out more or have a confidential discussion?
If you would like to speak with our team about how we can support your business on its defence sector journey, get in touch today on 1300 438 347 or complete the contact form below.

If you’d like to talk to us about our DIME® Program, please complete the form below, and we'll respond as soon as possible: