Defence Sector
Due Diligence Activity
With the recent buzz around AUKUS and the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) – as well as the large amounts of funding that have been allocated to growing Australia’s sovereign Defence capabilities – it’s really no surprise that many businesses who aren’t currently working in the sector are now considering the possibility of becoming a Defence supplier.
It’s at this point that confusion can set in. How do you know if this is the best direction for your business? Is your business making a product or providing a service that Defence will actually want? Do you have the right knowledge and experience onboard to turn the opportunity into a profitable revenue stream for your business?
Our team can help you to answer these questions and provide recommendations for the best course of action through a Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity.
What is a Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity?
Offered as a precursor to our Defence Industry Market Entry (DIME®) Program (a 12-month schedule of structured activities designed to accelerate your company's defence sector journey), our Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity is a shorter exercise for those who want to validate the defence sector opportunity quickly and cost-effectively, before making any long-term commitments.
Delivered over the course of approximately six weeks, our team works with you to learn more about you, your business, your aspirations and your capabilities. From there – using our experience and knowledge of current and future projects within the sector, and our extensive network of contacts – we can identify the opportunities that exist for your business within the defence sector.
Another vital part of this activity is the identification and analysis of existing gaps, as well as the potential risks associated with making a long-term commitment to what is a highly regulated and bureaucratic industry.
What will be the outcome of the activity?
At the completion of the Defence Sector Due Diligence Activity, you will gain a good understanding of the relevant opportunities that exist for your business within the defence sector, and the risks involved should you decide to pursue it. Our team will make a series of recommendations, and from there you can then make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the opportunity, put it on hold until a later time, or discount the opportunity altogether.
Watch our video below to hear from our Director & Principal, Emilio De Stefano, about how we can work with companies who are considering pursuing opportunities within the defence sector:
Keen to find out more?
If you would like to speak with one of our Defence Industry Experts about how we can support your business to make informed decisions about pursuing work within the defence sector, get in touch with our team today on 1300 438 347 or complete the form on our Contact us page.