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Skilling Australia's Defence Industry (SADI) Grant

Would you like assistance to access funding of up to $500,000 for your business to undertake defence skills training activities?


The Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry (SADI) Grants Program will provide grants to businesses to help develop defence sector skills and human resources practices and training plans to meet current or future Defence needs. Grants of between $5,000 and $500,000 are available, covering up to 100% of eligible project expenditure (a COVID recovery support initiative). As of 7 April 2022, the program includes an additional $20.3 million of funding and has been extended until March 2026.

The program aims to:


  • Reduce barriers faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the defence sector when upskilling or retraining staff

  • Develop skills within SMEs in the defence sector to create a highly skilled workforce that can fulfil current and future defence capability needs

  • Support SMEs in the defence sector to establish HR practices and training plans that will establish lifelong learning activities into their business

Projects must be aimed at increasing Defence related skills capacity or capability within your business and be delivered by:

  • A registered training organisation (RTO)

  • A tertiary education provider (University or TAFE)

  • An accredited training provider

  • A professional or industry association

  • An appropriately qualified employee in your business, or

  • An original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

Eligible activities include technical and trade skills training (project management, design, engineering, logistics, support services (including information technology), etc.), HR training and skills development (with a focus on building lifelong learning including cultural change, change management, human resource strategies/systems, employee training and development facilitation and workforce planning), micro-credentials courses, apprenticeship supervision support, on the job training supervision support and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) training.

Eligibility Criteria


To apply for a grant, your business must:

  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Be non-income tax exempt (unless you are a defence industry association training your own staff or facilitating training to businesses you are representing)

  • Be an SME with less than 200 employees that currently services, or intends to service, the defence industry sector and meets one of the following requirements:

    • have a current Defence contract

    • be currently tendering or preparing to tender for a Defence contract

    • be a current subcontractor to a Defence prime or contracted through the Prime's supply chain to deliver on Defence projects


and be one of the following entities:

  • An entity, incorporated in Australia

  • An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

Assessment Criteria


Applications are assessed against the eligibility criteria and then against three assessment criteria:


  • Assessment criterion 1 – The extent to which your project improves the capacity and capability of your business to service the defence industry sector

  • Assessment criterion 2 – Your capacity, capability and resources to deliver the project

  • Assessment criterion 3 – The impact of grant funding on the project

Only eligible applications will proceed to the assessment stage.

Get in touch with De Stefano & Co today to learn more about the Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry (SADI) Grant process or for help in pulling together a stand out application.

Why use De Stefano & Co?

Our team has over four decades of experience working in the defence industry. We live and breathe business case development, detailed financial modelling, market analysis and everything else that it takes to write a successful grant application.

We undertake detailed due diligence, free of charge, before we agree to take on any engagement. Unless your particular case stacks up and we believe in it, we won’t take it on. For this reason, we enjoy an unrivalled success rate in helping our clients win grant funds.

If you’d like to talk to us about supporting your business in accessing a grant, please complete the form below, providing as much detail as possible about the grant program and your business need:

Thanks for getting in touch. We'll respond as soon as we can.

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